It's a common misconception that once fire doors are installed, they require no further attention for the duration of a building's lifespan. However, neglecting regular fire door maintenance can have dire consequences. In emergencies, malfunctioning fire doors can affect evacuation efforts and contribute to the spread of fire and smoke, putting lives and property at risk. Thus, prioritising fire door maintenance is essential for ensuring the safety of everyone within the building.

Read on to discover the importance of fire door maintenance, fire door regulations and what it takes to conduct a successful fire door inspection. 

Importance of Fire Door Maintenance

Fire doors play a critical role in ensuring fire safety within any building by acting as barriers to contain fire and smoke during emergencies. Therefore, the significance of maintaining fire doors cannot be overstated. Regular maintenance not only upholds compliance with UK fire safety regulations but also safeguards the lives of building occupants and protects property assets in the event of a fire.

Post fire door installation, fire doors should undergo regular inspections, with a minimum frequency of six months. However, the frequency of these checks should be tailored to the specific premises and the frequency of door usage. These inspections are essential to verify functionality and readiness to perform in the event of a fire. Even minor alterations to fire doors or their surroundings can significantly impact their performance. Therefore, periodic checks are essential to identify and address any issues promptly.

By prioritising fire door maintenance, property owners not only ensure the safety of occupants but also mitigate the need for costly replacements, minimise disruptions to business operations, and alleviate the stress associated with fire safety non-compliance.

Fire Door Maintenance Regulations

Fire door maintenance regulations outline legal requirements and standards for compliance, which are essential to uphold safety standards and prevent legal liabilities. Understanding these regulations is paramount for property owners to avoid penalties and ensure safety, as non-compliance can lead to legal liabilities and jeopardise occupants' safety and property integrity.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 mandates that fire doors meet specific standards and undergo regular inspections to ensure compliance.

In addition, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 apply to multi-occupied residential buildings over 11 metres tall in England. According to these regulations, those in charge must conduct quarterly checks on all fire doors in shared areas and yearly checks, to the best of their ability, on all flat entrance doors leading to these shared areas.

Fire Door Maintenance Checklist

A comprehensive checklist ensures thorough maintenance checks, reducing the risk of oversight and enhancing fire safety.

Standard Fire Door Maintenance Checklist:

  • Ensure there are no open holes or breaks in the surfaces of the door or frame.
  • Check that glazing, vision light frames, and glazing beads are intact and securely fastened if present.
  • Verify that the door, frame, hinges, hardware, and non-combustible threshold are secured, aligned, and in working order with no visible signs of damage.
  • Ensure no parts are missing or broken.
  • Check door clearances at the door edge to the frame on the pull side, ensuring they do not exceed specified clearances.
  • Test the self-closing device to ensure the active door completely closes from the full open position.
  • If a coordinator is installed, ensure the inactive leaf closes before the active leaf.
  • Test latching hardware to ensure it operates and secures the door when closed.
  • Remove any auxiliary hardware items that interfere with door operation.
  • Ensure no field modifications have been made to the door assembly that void the label.
  • Inspect gasketing and edge seals, where required, to verify their presence and integrity.

Consideration of various factors is crucial in determining fire door maintenance requirements, including building occupancy, environmental conditions, and door usage.

Integrating fire door checks into fire evacuation drills is essential for a comprehensive business fire safety plan. During these drills, it's vital to evaluate different evacuation routes and examine areas of fire doors prone to damage, thus ensuring their ongoing reliability in protecting lives and property.

Choosing Fire Door Maintenance Companies

Due to the complexity of fire door maintenance, it is necessary that fire door maintenance inspections are conducted by competent individuals to ensure thoroughness and compliance with safety standards. Entrusting professional fire door maintenance companies, such as Highland Services, is essential to guarantee comprehensive inspections, regulatory adherence, and prompt issue resolution.

When considering maintenance providers, factors such as experience, expertise, and certifications are key. At Highland, we stand as established providers, offering our reliable expertise to guarantee optimal fire door maintenance outcomes. With our BM TRADA training in fire door maintenance and installation, we provide trusted services tailored to your needs. 

Prioritising Fire Door Maintenance for Building Safety

In conclusion, fire door maintenance is paramount for building safety. Regular inspections uphold compliance with regulations, safeguard lives, and protect property assets. Adherence to regulations like the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 is crucial to avoid legal liabilities.

A comprehensive maintenance checklist ensures thorough inspections, while considering factors like building occupancy and usage is essential. Integrating fire door checks into evacuation drills enhances overall safety.

Choosing competent maintenance companies like Highland Services ensures regulatory adherence and prompt issue resolution. Contact Highland Services today for expert fire door maintenance tailored to your needs.

How long will a fire door hold back a fire?

Fire doors are developed and produced with different security ratings. The most popular are the following classifications:

FD30 – hold back fire for 30 minutes,

FD60 – hold back fire for 60 minutes.

How much do your security & fire alarm system services cost?

We offer competitive pricing for our services. To get a detailed quote for your project, please contact us directly.

What is the Fire Safety Order 2005?

The Fire Safety Order 2005 states that it is the duty of the ‘responsible person’ in each commercial and industrial premise to ensure that you meet the requirements, including providing a fire detection system suitable for your premise.

Under what circumstances do I not need a fire safety system?

A fire safety risk assessment is the best way to gauge whether or not your premises needs a fire safety system, you can contact us for more information on this.

As a starting point, if you answer yes to all the following statements then a fire alarm system may not be compulsory for you:

  • Are your premises open plan, one storey, with a simple layout?
  • Are there any high risk substances in your premises such as flammable chemicals?
  • Are any high risk activities such as cooking done?
  • Do you have any vulnerable occupants, such as the elderly, very young, or disabled?
  • Would a fire be easy to spot if it broke out on any part of your business premises?
  • Can someone shouting “FIRE” easily be heard by all occupants?

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